Cny Doraemon
Doraemon is a Japanese anime that dates back to the 1970s. The series chronicles the adventures of a robot cat with a blue head, who travels back in time from the 22nd century with a boy in order to help him out with various problems. If your kids are huge fans of this anime, they will love wearing this tee shirt with a unique design. This Doraemon New Year shirt is made of 100% cotton, and it is custom-printed when ordered.
Available in different sizes for men, women, and kids, the shirts are available in two different colors, white and black. Whether you are a man, a woman, or a kid, you have the option of choosing the size and color that suits you the best. This T-shirt is a cool costume for Halloween too, as it is a unique design T-shirt that is not associated with any character from a movie or TV show.